Josh's day off

Today is Monday. The start of the week. As a youth pastor Josh works Sundays so to compensate he gets Mondays off. Yay! Today was a nice one. We got to sleep in (which due to my lack of being able to sleep really means Josh sleeps in while I lie next to him on my iPhone). Not long after waking up I had a craving for homemade donuts so I quickly looked up a recipe and made us some donuts! They turned out a little bit crispy but Josh sure liked them!

We finally got our day started around 3 p.m. as we headed to Home Depot. The island that we bought for the kitchen had no finish on it and is hard to clean so Josh is putting a finish on it for me. How nice of him! Anyway that’s why we went to Home Depot. We needed supplies.

The rest of the day consisted of getting a pumpkin to carve and cooking dinner. I made some tomato basil pasta (we eat way too much pasta) and Josh said it was the best I have made so far. And he wasn’t lying, it was delicious!

If you are still reading, I am sorry nothing exciting happened today! But I enjoy my days with Josh :) And it’s not over yet, we picked up some Redbox movies on the way home! One for me and one for him. So I’m off to go relax with the hubby and watch some movies! Hopefully something exciting will happen tomorrow…


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