A Farewell

Oh pregnancy...

Today I cried over a dining table. We just sold the dining set that we’ve had for 7+ years. I remember obsessing over this table when my friend Kim had it and I knew I had to have the exact same one. It was with us in three different apartments and many friends have sat around it for meals and games and deep talks. It saw us through years of homework before we had room for an office. It was where we ate many holiday meals just the two of us when we lived far from family.

It was terrible for children though. I’m pretty sure all three of our nephews, as well as some of our friends’ children, have taken a tumble off of those benches. The set just screamed “young childless couple”. Even amongst all of the diapers, baby clothes, and various nursery items, for some reason the selling of this table is what made me really feel like a chapter of our lives is closing. Although I know how ridiculous it sounds, I let myself briefly mourn the loss of an inanimate object.

We’ll have a different dining table now. One we will sit at with our son while he tries new foods. One we will sit at while he refuses to try new foods. One where we will hopefully share laughter and prayer (and hopefully not too many tears but I’m sure there will be some). We’ll make many new memories around a new table.

It’s funny how attached we can get to objects. I know that these things don’t matter in the long run. I know that when I’m old and I look back on my life, I’m not going to think about my dining table I’m going to think about who was around it.

So I say farewell to my beloved dining set today. It served us well and I hope that someone else can sit around it and have some great meals with their friends.


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