
A few weeks ago we were talking about Valentine’s Day. I was really looking forward to going out for a nice dinner and enjoying our last Valentine’s Day before baby arrived. We discussed which restaurants we might want to go to and what we might want to eat. It’s one day of the year we tend to splurge on dinner and go somewhere nice. I always enjoy the holiday and the celebration of love.

Then there was talk of possible early induction so we held off on making reservations. And then Ivan decided to come early anyway!

So Valentine’s Day looks a little bit different this year. We’ll stay at home with our newborn baby boy (who was up every two hours last night). We might share some dessert in between nursing sessions. And Josh’s gift to me is the promise of a nap later. And this is all okay with me. As much as I really love putting on something nice and going out, I am loving this stage of life even more. The love that I feel for my baby boy is a kind of love I’ve never experienced before. My heart belongs to two guys now.

Love looks different at different stages of life. The flowers and cards and chocolates are all great- I love that stuff! But love evolves over time.
Love is now Josh washing my pump parts in middle of the night. Love is him bringing me snacks when I’m nursing. It’s him taking care of my pumped milk so I can go back to bed. It’s changing poopy diapers and cleaning up spilled milk.

One day Valentine’s Day will look like nice dinners out again. But for now I’ll soak up these baby snuggles and quality time with my husband.

I hope that you all experience love today in any form!


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