Wow... 2019 has been quite a year for us! Our year has been full of a lot of new things and happy things. Life isn't perfect though and we've had some sad times as well. Losing Josh's grandma was hard but I'm so glad he got the chance to visit her and say goodbye before she passed. We also had a hard time of transition as Josh started his doctorate program in January. But as is my tradition, I would like to focus on the many good and important things that have happened to us over the past 12 months.

We started our year off with a full day in San Francisco on New Year's Day this year. It wasn't our smoothest trip, but we had fun exploring the city and seeing all the touristy sights. We have some fun and some not so fun memories from that trip! Ha.

Josh turned 30 this year! Can you believe it?! He ran his first half-marathon on the morning of his birthday too. 

In May I accompanied my sister on a trip to Disneyland for my nephew's birthday.

In June (on Father's Day to be exact) we found out I was pregnant! We had been trying since January but we were still surprised and so happy with the news.

In July our niece arrived! She is a sweetheart and we love her very much. July was also the month that I survived taking our high school students to summer camp while in the first trimester! Haha.

In August we celebrated our 8th anniversary with a camping trip to Bend. We enjoyed a very nice dinner and a very rainy hike during that trip!

In September we got to enjoy a babymoon trip to Seattle and Canada. During that trip we went to our first Seahawks game, spent some quality time with my cousin, and explored Vancouver, B.C. 

As if expecting our first child wasn't enough excitement, we decided to buy a house in November! We became homeowners on November 12th and have been working tirelessly (well, Josh has) on our little fixer-upper ever since!

Our life isn't perfect. We have had our share of rough times. But with the end of a year I think it is important to focus on the good in your life and take that positivity into the new year. It's okay to reflect on the not-so-perfect times for a minute but remember to let them go.

2019 has been very good to us and I am so thankful to God for all that we have been given this year. Life has been a whirlwind since June! 2020 is going to bring a lot of change and a lot of "new" for us and I am both excited and nervous! 


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