First Trimester

Today I am 14 weeks along which means I am officially out of the first trimester of pregnancy! I’m going to be completely honest here: the first trimester sucks and it is not fun at all. You feel tired every minute of the day. Most days food doesn’t sound good. You just feel like crap all the time. Some days just getting out of bed and getting dressed used up all the energy I had for that day. There were even days where I napped after only being awake for an hour. Hiding a pregnancy is one of the hardest things I have done because it is very difficult to hide it when you’re feeling that crappy. I was so happy when we finally announced!

I have actually been very lucky and in general have had a mild first trimester and it STILL sucked. I have so much empathy for those who have had it worse than me. If you’re struggling through the first trimester right now, just know that you are a rockstar and what you’re doing is not easy! You’re growing a tiny human inside of you!

I know that I haven’t gotten to the “magical” part of pregnancy yet where I get to feel the baby kick or see its little face on an ultrasound, but so far pregnancy is not fun. I’m still waiting for the part where I understand why some women say they love being pregnant. I’ll let you know if I reach that point.

Pregnancy actually used to really freak me out. I never enjoyed touching other women’s pregnant bellies. I always thought it was a crazy, freaky miracle that a woman can just be walking around with a small human inside of her. And to be honest, some days being pregnant still freaks me out. I’ll be minding my own business and then suddenly remember that there’s a baby the size of a peach inside of me. With hands and feet and fingers and toes. And it’s moving around even though I can’t feel it yet. Crazy!

I’m looking forward to my second trimester although I get scared that it’s going by so fast.

Pregnancy is weird y’all. And I still have so many parts of it to experience!


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