A Letter to Society

Something has been weighing so heavy on my heart lately. Today's society makes me so sad. With so much reliance on social media, it is easier than ever before to get your opinions out into the world. However, the fact is that you really aren't allowed to have an opinion unless it is the same as the majority of society. That is the sad truth. People try to advocate being yourself and having your own views on things, but the second somebody posts or comments something that most people don't agree with, they are insulted and shamed. People advocate equality and being yourself and yet we are mocked and ridiculed for having our own thoughts on things. Tell me, why is it ok for someone to support gay marriage because it is their choice but it isn't ok to not support gay marriage even though that's their choice too? Why is someone allowed to support abortian because it is their choice when it is also your choice not to support it? Oh, it's because it IS your choice but only if you make the "right" choice in the eyes of society. 

Am I the only person who truly supports the freedom of choice and the freedom to have your own opinions? People say they support the freedom of choice, but only if you make the same choice as them. Don't conform to society, but don't you dare disagree with society. Isn't that basically what they are saying? People shouldn't be scared to have their own opinions of things but people also shouldn't be rude and hateful to those that don't have the same opinions as you. 

I also feel sad for Christians. Again, people fight for equality and fight for the right to your own choices, but you better not choose believing in God, because that's the wrong choice, apparently. In this society it has become ok to be anything but christian. You can be gay, straight, liberal, introverted, extroverted, feminist, but if you label yourself christian, you get more hate than any of those people. Everything is accepted, besides Christianity. Famous people have even been hated more for professing their faith than for abusing a woman or doing drugs. The image of Christianity has somehow been so distorted. I don't hate anyone who is gay, so why do they hate me? I don't hate anyone who is a liberal, so why do they hate me? I don't hate anyone who supports abortions, so why do they hate me? They hate me because I believe something different from them. They hate me because somewhere along the lines they were taught that you have to hate those who disagree with you. They hate me because they think that you can't simultaneously disagree with someone's choices and love them. My biggest priority in life is to show others the love that Christ has shown me regardless of what they choose or believe in life. 

I genuinely fear for the future of our nation. Because of social media, we are so tightly wound around public issues that we feel the need to post every opinion we have on anything. And we are  so ready to jump into an argument from behind our screen just because we can. Just because we can post our opinions in a matter of seconds. For that reason I refrain as much as I can from ever posting my opinions on major social issues. If I do, I immediately get bullied by those who don't agree with me. It breaks my heart and I only hope that society can head back in the direction of acceptance and equality. It is dangerous because that is where everyone thinks we are going, when really we are sprinting in the opposite direction. How can we have equality and acceptance when there is so much hate for those that don't agree with you? This nation needs to tread lightly, because we are getting dangerously close to mirroring the ideals of communism when it comes to social issues. I wouldn't doubt that one day we are all forced to have the same opinions, or at least act like we do or we will be punished by society. Although it seems to me that has already started happening...

Why can't we become more focused on loving people than forcing them all to agree with you? I promise we would all be happier and society would "function better". Love everybody regardless of their opinions. Then, and only then, will we have true equality. 


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