Well for those that haven’t heard, Josh and I added a new member to the family! His name is Jack :) He is a Jack Russell Terrier mix, although his ears say Fox Terrier all the way. He is a sweet little guy who just loves to cuddle. But once you set him down he is in full play mode! He has been pretty expensive so far, but all the one time costs should be over with now and it will just be the monthly food and treats. Oh and his $30 pet rent every month. Boo!
Speaking of rent, it will be going up once our lease is up in July. That means the Mitchells are moving! There are a couple of apartments in Ashburn (closer to Josh’s work) that will be the same cost after the rent goes up here. Can’t really find anything cheaper around these parts :( It will also be closer to a nanny job I had an interview for today (which went great by the way). If I get this job, which I think I will, then we will have no problem with a little higher rent, especially since they would want me long term (like 5 years) so it will be a stable income. Kind of sad that we will only have been in our very first home for a year, but these things happen.
It is kind of scary living in such an expensive area. Can’t really find any apartments for any less than $1,000 here :( Which doesn’t leave us a lot to save for future house, car, etc. The good thing is if I get this job then we will be able to start saving a lot more, and hopefully will have a house within a few years. A house with a nice backyard will be perfect for Jack.
Anyway, those are all the major changes happening in our life right now. Just trying to look at all the positives.
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